My little girl is adorable. 4months and the love of my life. I really enjoy her and whatever it is she is learning how to do. When you become a mom there's books to help you know what tasks your kid should be developing at what stage. If I was to look at that i'd say that my little girl is on the slower end. That makes her sound retarded. Why is "the norm" such a big thing and who decided what it is.
If I looked at my life as "the norm" than everyone of my friends would either be catergorized as "advanced" or "delayed" dependent on how it compared to me. But their "status" would change if compared to someone else. So how accurate can this type of measurement actually be?
Right from the beginning the personality of my daughter Emma was one that seemed to be patient and in no rush. She didn't start kicking till the last day of the 4 week period you should begin to feel kicks. I was looking at her yesterday wondering when she will start putting things into her mouth or picking up toys, or rolling over. She's not interested yet in any of it. She is capable of it she just isn't interested.
The thought I had was that I really needed to remember that right from the beginning of her days she set her own pace and it wasn't as fast as mine. That I really need to let her be her own person and develop at her own speed. Because this is just who she is. And I love her for it.
So why can't I apply that to my own life. I am constantly frustrated with myself that I am not like so and so, or that I haven't learnt something fast enough. I should have got it by now right? Others have so should I. Yet if I look at my past and at who I am, the things that frustrate me about myself are things that are true to my character. The way I am is just the way it is. I have my own pace, my own ways, my own built in unchangeable characteristics. I look forward to offering myself the same love and grace that I have for my daughter to just be who she is and not compare her to anyone else.
If I looked at my life as "the norm" than everyone of my friends would either be catergorized as "advanced" or "delayed" dependent on how it compared to me. But their "status" would change if compared to someone else. So how accurate can this type of measurement actually be?
Right from the beginning the personality of my daughter Emma was one that seemed to be patient and in no rush. She didn't start kicking till the last day of the 4 week period you should begin to feel kicks. I was looking at her yesterday wondering when she will start putting things into her mouth or picking up toys, or rolling over. She's not interested yet in any of it. She is capable of it she just isn't interested.
The thought I had was that I really needed to remember that right from the beginning of her days she set her own pace and it wasn't as fast as mine. That I really need to let her be her own person and develop at her own speed. Because this is just who she is. And I love her for it.
So why can't I apply that to my own life. I am constantly frustrated with myself that I am not like so and so, or that I haven't learnt something fast enough. I should have got it by now right? Others have so should I. Yet if I look at my past and at who I am, the things that frustrate me about myself are things that are true to my character. The way I am is just the way it is. I have my own pace, my own ways, my own built in unchangeable characteristics. I look forward to offering myself the same love and grace that I have for my daughter to just be who she is and not compare her to anyone else.
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