Mayhem and Motherhood

Monday, September 22, 2003

Thank you for the comments everyone. It's really great to know people actually care about my sillly thoughts.

So, I was so exhausted after this weekend I went to bed at 9 p.m. Lucky for me, so did my daughter and she woke up next at 2 a.m. Non parents will be horrified, seasoned parents will say a prayer of thanks that they are no longer here, and I, well I am rested enough after 5 consecutive hours to not be able to go right back to sleep.

So, I heard a word yesterday that I haven't heard for a while and I love it because it makes me giggle. It's "monkeypox". I think we first heard it on the news and me and Jon howled. Now I'm sure it's a terrible disease to have, even lethal, possibly. I really don't know. I can't even write the word without laughing.

O.k. but here's what I was going to say. If I could choose what I would die from it would be monkeypox. I just think that's a way to go, out with a bang. Anyone with me?

Another aside, (don't know what that means, just like how it sounds) we have Pepsi in the fridge because it was on sale. I needing something to wet my whistle (yes at 2 a.m.) and wisely chose "pop". Pepsi is gross. Maybe it's the combination of not brushing my teeth before bed and carbonated sweetness, but my mouth gets the "no" feeling from Pepsi. Yet strangely enough, I finish the glass.

And my last thought for the day (or night).... Lately I'm realizing that I'm really tired. This not sleeping full nights is really catching up to me and making me a bit of a crazy woman. We prostrate ourselves crying out to God for many things, things we think will make our lives better and possibly easier. Healing of relationships, direction for our life, healing for inner emotions, money for things we think we need but can live without (even though it makes it a hardship). But here's my point, why don't we ever cry out for something basic like sleep. It is a necessity. WE can't LIVE without it. Really. Like air. We need it to survive. And yet if we are tired we just sleep. Possibly pray that our minds would quiet so we could sleep but we act on this need. I'm wondering if often I use prayer as an exscuse not to do anything about the problem or issue because I don't want to do the wrong thing. So I do nothing and hope God will solve the problem for me. But maybe I should do what I feel is right off the bat and pray as I move in that direction.

I know that there are things we pray for that we are powerless to change. And remember it is almost 3 a.m. I think that is a valid excuse to not make perfect sense. So, i need to think about this some more... have a great day all
Rhonda at 2:46 AM


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