Mayhem and Motherhood: 3D images

Thursday, December 01, 2005

3D images

I was reading the comics this weekend and had this wild thought(wild for me).

It was as I was trying to "see" the 3D image in the paper. Do you know the one's I mean. Where what you see is a flurry of activity of little angels or colors but if you put it up to your nose and then slowly pull it away another picture within the picture becomes obvious. And it's a 3D image.

Read no further if you haven't followed the above.

My thoughts as of late are that I don't think my reality is necessarily God's reality. The way I see the world and how it works in its linear state I'm coming to sense is not the way things are Truly working. It's like I'm living in a bit of a mirage that sometimes I get glances through to the deeper workings but often just live on the images of what I can see around me.

I'm just processing so bear with me. My analogy was in regards to the kingdom of this world and the kingdom of God. I think I have a fairly good grasp on how the kingdom of this world operates. If you're nice to people they like you (for the most part). If you work hard at a job you make a wage and then become "successful". If you make mistakes your penalty depends on the degree of your mistake like getting a speeding ticket versus killing somebody.

However in the Kingdom of God the rules don't often seem to be the same. Theirs stuff like Grace that covers a multitude of sins, and then there's sin where God says a sin starts in your heart and their isn't much distinction for him between what is thought and what is acted out. My point being I think for so long I've tried to fit the two together as opposed to see them as totally different. I've believed the kingdom of God relied on my success and effort and goodness like my efforts are rewarded in the Kingdom of this world. But like the 3D picture I'm thinking that their really is another reality in that 3D image that I don't totally have a clear view of, that will change the way I live out my life as the two kingdoms intersect here in my life.

I think at times I've seen something come into view but it's never been the whole picture. I'm excited to think of what God has for me to see, the picture behind the picture.

For those of you confused(as I am rereading this) my intention for blogging is foremost to process my thoughts and have a place to record them. I'm sorry if them being unclear or unfinished or possibly inaccurate is irritating. I'll accept these comments as well!! So I'm going to go sit in my tub and chew on my analogy.
Rhonda at 1:27 PM


Blogger Deanna Momtchilov said...

I think it's a great analogy!

9:08 AM  
Blogger Erica said...

I went through a phase where everything God-related reminded me of the movie "The Matrix". (Yvonne can attest to this as I said to her REPEATEDLY, See? Its like the Matrix)
On some level, I may have been trying to annoy her but it never worked as she thinks everything I say is brilliant and amazing! Just ask her!
Ha! Ha! I crack myself up!

Anyway, what's my point?
My point is, your post is just like the Matrix! See? It IS just like the Matrix!

Maybe I should start a cult...a Matrix cult...we could invite Keanu...

9:55 AM  

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