Mayhem and Motherhood: Disappointments

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Funny how this should come up after my ever so insightful (being sarcastic) blog about expectations. Here's the abridged story:

We went to Minneapolis for the weekend,me and my hubby totally kid free. How can that not in itself be fabulous? But for all the miriad of reasons and experiences had I return with tears coming to my eyes whenever I think back to this weekend I expected great things from and returned hurt and disappointed by.

So a disappointment it was. My first hint should have been the pressure I was putting on this trip to be fabulous, because it's the last one I was planning to take for a while due to the twins.

I coined it in my head "my last hurrah" and I guess it still was.

Anyway, when I finally got home and was able to pour out my heavy heart to God and cry about my disappointment, he met me. I expected/even wished he would have pointed out all the reasons this disappointment was my fault to begin with and how i shouldn't have done blah blah blah to have accomplished the outcome I wanted. How if I did it over again I could "fix it" and make it perfect. But he didn't.

I just had this picture of him sitting beside me, with me, arm around me saying over and over just how truly sorry he was that I was so hurt and disappointed. What a great God. He is a much better friend and parent than I have been because this helped me much more than the I told you so's and well you shouldn't have's I am used to receiving and dishing out.

Bottom line. Disappointments are painful and are as much a part of life as happy surprises and unexpected gifts. Like winning a car. Like having twins. Some disappointments truly can be avoided and others just are part of living on this planet.

I was so touched that the God I know with all of his wisdom and splendor took the time to sit and hurt with me amid one of life's disappointments.
Rhonda at 2:05 PM


Blogger Yvonne Parks said...

Wow...this is different than the "how was your weekend" conversation we just had on the phone!!!

I'll need more details someday, my friend.

8:16 PM  
Blogger Erica said...

I think God really likes you!
And I do too!

God IS good!
As Cheryl and I say to each other,
"True Word My Sistren!"

2:03 PM  

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