Mayhem and Motherhood: Blog-load

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Hello all. I was such a roll with my blogging, i'd blog and then post and then not 5 minutes later I'd have something else on my mind i wanted to write about. Well this week has been pretty busy for me and I guess the correlation was that I was super CRABBY. Hard to blog when your a big grouch. So, today much less crabby but i've been wondering how all are doing. Alas, I digress. (don't you just love that line)

So, um, what was I going to say? OH YEAH> I had this terrific timesaving idea that would be revolutionary for the blogging world. I was driving thinking of all these things I wanted to blog about and just wished my computer was nearby. That I could just speak my thoughts and they would get saved for a later date when I could put them into the computer. But then it hit me, what I need is an automatic download from my brain onto my blog site so i could blog whenever the urge came upon me. Brilliant, however we'd have 16 hours of daily blogging to wade thru, tough to want to read.
Rhonda at 12:54 PM


Blogger Yvonne Parks said...

Did you know that Blogger has a service that you can CALL IN your blog? call with your cell phone, and it get's typed out and posted.

Now THAT'S lazy! hee hee

11:33 PM  
Blogger Deanna Momtchilov said...

I know the feeling! I often get great ideas for a blog when I'm driving or in bed and by the time I get to my computer, I either can't remember or am just too tired to articulate myself. I'm not a very good blogger. Oh well!

11:11 PM  
Blogger Erica said...

Blogging is the one place in my life that I am able to THINK before I SPEAK!!! My mouth runs off badly enough without putting those THOUGHTS that are less than diplomatic on my blog!!!

For me, that would be a BAD thing!!! :)

Blogging is a good exercise in thinking before I put it out there, something I shall train my mouth to do as well!!!
Live and learn!

10:27 AM  

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