Mayhem and Motherhood: The update....

Saturday, December 03, 2005

The update....

Hello faithful readers. I feel like I'm writing a newspaper column!!hahahha.

So Friday was a really emotionally exhausting day, not to mention a really long day. We left the house at 6 am had our fetal assessment at 9 am, our dr. appt at 1245 of which we waited till almost 2 for and then drove out to Steinbach for Jon's grannies 90th birthday celebration with the extended family.

So we are home and tired. We have decided at the moment not to share our gender baby news with anyone just so we can process it ourselves without any external voices. Funny thing is that wasn't our intention. Both Jon and I have found it quite difficult in finding out their sexes (totally surprising) because it comes with mixed emotions that we weren't anticipating. We have both wondered if we did the right thing or if we would have been better off just being surprised and prepared for anything. Presently I can see so many benefits to knowing but it still doesn't make it any easier to know that knowing what we are getting also means knowing what we can't have. It's been a kind of weird grieving, saying goodbye to dreams you didn't know you actually wanted. So that being said here's what we are saying....

The fetal assessment department at St. B is AWESOME. It has totally made me feel like I"m in competent hands being taken care of by specialists who truly know what their doing. The way it works is that it's a different department than the ultrasound department where people go for their generic 20 week ultrasound. The people seeing us at the fetal assess. place are all doctors or nurses who are doing our ultrasounds. The things they are looking for are much more detailed. We got to watch the whole thing and she gave us the tour the whole time explaining what she was looking at and if she had any concerns. She assured us if she found anything that alarmed her she would immediately inform us and a doctor would be in within our visit to verify it and give us direction. That in itself is a huge relief because you wonder if them not saying something means something bad, or how long they're looking at one spot etc etc.

O.k. and here's the part I loved. I got about 10 pictures of our little ones that she totally offered and I didn't even have to pay for them. Just such a different experience than my initial experience where she was surprised I wanted them and was all flustered trying to take them. I said I'm liking it.

So we are 24 weeks along (Kristi) and the babies weigh approx 1 1/2 pounds each. Based on a single pregnancy they are 50th percentile for growth which is great. They scored 100% on their fetal apgar (not what it's really called) They both have 2 kidneys, well developed limbs, urine in their bladder which means they are swallowing, 4 chamber hearts without any visible abnormalities, skulls and brains without anything added or missing. Oh and the coolest thing is that the machines they use are super high tech. They had a feature which allowed us to see our baby in 3D. I explain it like it looks like they put skin on our babies so they dont' look like little aliens. I really wish I knew how to scan them and post on the blog site. Way too high tech for me at this point in time. Anyway, they are both breech at the moment but that can change as they are still floating pretty free. The doctor said I'm measuring 28 weeks but I think he's crazy. I feel I look bigger than that.

On a disappointing note I was strongly encouraged not to go to Mexico with these little ones. The valid arguments being that if I was to have them premature (at 28 weeks) they would not be covered by my insurance so we could return with some hefty hospital bills when they would be safe enough to travel. The other one being I guess that the kids are growing at a great rate and looking healthy, so the next few weeks are fairly crucial for me to manage my stress level and stay healthy myself. So I could pick up hepatitis in the water and pass it on to them or just the stress of waiting in the airport at what would be equivalent to 8-9 months pregnant would be enough to give me high blood pressure and then the babes are in trouble. From what i keep hearing over and over is that it really is a week to week battle to keep them in utero because every day longer is one day less in the nicu and one day closer to term is one day safer for their lungs and development. So hearing this so "STRONGLY" after I've been asking for the last 3 months for someone informed to give me advice really bugs me. I would have preferred knowing this info when we were 3 months pregnant instead of thinking what isn't a reality could be.

For those of you who don't know, Jon's parents decided to take all their kids, spouses and grandkids to Mexico this year. We've been planning it since last January and we actually waited to get pregnant based on not having a newborn to take. So thinking 6 months along would be safe to go (which it IS if your having ONE baby) this is when we aimed for. So the irony being we planned our pregnancy around this trip and in the end I still can't go. This was just disappointing and seeming unfair.

Comments including %$#@#$$$$ words welcome as you remind me I'm whining about something most people never get the opportunity to do because of this super huge blessing of twins accepted.

Sooooo, that's all. Any questions?
Rhonda at 11:37 PM


Blogger Rhonda said...

Poor Yvonne. I'm sorry.

12:18 AM  
Blogger Yvonne Parks said...

That's okay.

I mean after's not like I'm the father! hahaha

I can wait. I'm patient. *nervous laugh*

I think I know from your blog tho......

Weird. We were SURE it was 1 of each! Could they be identical after all????

8:24 AM  
Blogger Erica said...

I'm sorry about your trip to Mexico.
:( That really sucks!

But on the bright side, you get to have babies...Two! You get a Two-Fer!!!YaY!!

10:16 PM  
Blogger Kristi said...

Sorry to hear about the disappointing news Rhonda. That totally sucks that you can't go to Mexico!
So, 24 weeks. That great! I guess I may be seeing you at St.B...true? We have quite a few sets of twins come through! I don't want to see you for quite a few more weeks stay healthy and low-stress!
Just curious who your obstetrician is????

11:52 AM  
Blogger Deanna Momtchilov said...

I posted a really nice comment the other day but it must not have made it! Sorry! I can't remember it at the moment...might be lack of sleep on my part! Love and thinking about you though! :)

10:45 AM  

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