Mayhem and Motherhood: Anyone else love 'LOST'

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Anyone else love 'LOST'

Hello friends. Not sure what the date is today, BUT it is the 9th day of the olympics (says my t.v.) what a trusty companion that has become in my evenings.

I really dont' watch t.v. during the day besides a video with Emma but come 7 p.m. I'm a bit of a channel flipper.

Today I had a weird experience. I went to church after I had taken a shower (not the weird part yet) and after about an hour into my being there I was done. It's so wild to just want to lie down all the time. I actually felt my feet burning from not being elevated so I left the service to go lie down. I hate to say it but apparently getting out of the house is becoming too much of an ordeal. Thankfully I'm so close to the end. It's not like I'm only 6 months along-so I really can't complain.

I was asked today if I was going to get induced on Tuesday, next time I see my doctor and the wee babes. I was surprised by that because at this moment I really feel like I'm waiting for them to decide when to come. That it's not really up to me. But if I were to look back at how I handle life I'd say I'm definately more of a "I'll take what life gives me" kinda girl than a "I know what I want and I'm fighting to make it happen" even with my control freaky tendencies. Strange but true.

So we wait. At this point, every ache makes me wonder "is this it?" and today in church I didn't tell anyone where I was going and I was surprised to learn Jon was on a mad hunt for me because he hadn't seen me for 15 minutes. Sweet heh? But I guess I am a ticking time bomb.

So any bets? I'm hoping to be done in the next 2 weeks. At the latest. I can't fathom going any longer. Sorry Dee.

Onto my original thought, we've been watching season one of Lost to fill us in as we are presently hooked this season. It's great watching t.v. without commercials!! And I'm really enjoying watching an episode or two a night. What a great show. I really thought it was a stupid concept for a show when it first came out and now I love it. I'm looking forward to seeing the episode about Claire and her having her baby.

Anyway, all is well here.

And a big congratulations to my sister in law who had her baby on Friday. A big boy of 8 lbs 1 oz named Ryder Ty. After she had him she just said to me "All I kept thinking is that you're going to have to do this twice" and today she said "You really should concentrate on getting all the rest you can!" too cute. My in-laws are going from 4 grandkids to 7 within a matter of a few weeks. Isn't that fun?

Well until I post again...
Rhonda at 11:30 PM


Blogger Erica said...

I was thinking about you lots this weekend.
I wanted to call you last night but you were probably asleep already!!!

9:02 AM  
Blogger SCW said...

Yay Rhonda! I am excited for you. I wish you lots of rest and peace in the next few weeks!

3:18 PM  
Blogger Marsha said...

Ron & I watched the first season of LOST on DVD over Christmas ... a couple of episodes a night. I quite enjoyed it ... But at the end of the first season Ron refused to watch any more. He said it has "turned into a soap opera and there is no end." Ah, men. Always looking for an end. What's your theory? Some people think it is some kind of purgotory where they get to examine their lives on earth & start over again ... making better choices. In England all the men think the Asian girl is hot. I don't get that at all. I thought Sawyer was pretty steamy in his bad boy way and of course, Jack. I really like Charlie in a little brother kind of way. And did you know that Sayid isn't Arab? There was a big stink about even having an Arab character in it. I really like his role though -except why go for Claire?
OK I'll admit it: I have an addiction. I ask random people if they watch LOST ... video store clerks, grocery clerks, library staff, students. It is how I fill my day. Ha ha.

Please rest well and don't feel guilty about resting. I'm glad you are still with us ... when there was no bloggage I thought maybe the bambinos had arrived.

9:09 PM  
Blogger Deanna Momtchilov said...

I'm so proud of you for hanging in there this long and taking such good care of yourself and your babies! I remember being pregnant with Esther and not thinking I could hang on for 2 more weeks - and it was only 1 baby! So I can somewhat relate to you. But you know those little ones will come when they're ready. Inductions sucks, by the way. Hang in there girl!

9:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't been able to get into Lost, I've tried but I'm sooooo confused!

I LOVE AMAZING RACE!!!! Absolutely positively addicted. And I was so crshed that I cannot apply cause I'm not American :(

9:22 AM  

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