Mayhem and Motherhood: It is finished

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

It is finished

The chicken pox that is. Last night, first in a week, emma actually slept thru almost 10 hours. I was reading Erica's blog as her oldest has them as well. They've counted 183 pox, emma barely has 30 alone on her back and maybe another 30 over the rest of her body.

I feel like we got off fairly easy. I'm sure it's "bad" enough though to have given her immunity because she looks like she's caught some sort of skin cancer. Poor thing. Thank goodness for "finding nemo" he saved my bacon this weekend as she watched all 1 hour 15 minutes of it at least 6 times!!!

What did sick kids do before t.v.? have their grandparents read them a story I guess like in Princess Bride!!
Rhonda at 8:28 AM


Blogger Deanna Momtchilov said...

Hooray! Are you in town next week at all? If not, maybe I'll try to make it out your way.

1:11 PM  
Blogger Erica said...

Rebecca's dots are starting to fade, and seems to be MUCH better.
She slept alot the last few days and seeming to have more energy today.

I'm glad that Emma is on the mend too.

It feels good to have that over with.

6:09 PM  

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