Mayhem and Motherhood: I hate waiting

Friday, February 10, 2006

I hate waiting

Don't you? Is there any one good at waiting? Even though I've said I could look at my christmas present everyday on the kitchen table for a year and not be tempted to open it (because I Soooo love surprises) that isn't patience. That's anticipation?

And the reality is in my situation I can not do much physically else at the moment besides stare at the present waiting till the time is right for it to open up itself. In my other scenario, I envision looking at the present fondly as I'm running out the door late for work, or meeting someone for lunch or whatever. I'm not just staring at it waiting.

I think the part that makes me the crankiest is that everyday there are more things added to my list that I physically can no longer do. I've long ago added bending to pick up anything off the floor (thus the constant chaos), stairs (which is why my kid watches more t.v. than I like), sitting in most chairs in the house, most recently driving, getting out to buy milk (just takes way more energy than it's worth).

I guess I'm complaining. I'm just kinda ready and then not really ready all at the same time. I miss having a lap and wearing jeans and my belly not resting on my legs when I sit. However in just a few weeks I"m sure i'll miss having a belly and feeling all the crazy karate kicks from my little babies.

It's a weird place wanting two totally opposite things at the same time.

I've also wondered if this is what it must be like to get old. When you look back at the things you used to do with ease, like an errand or the stairs, and wonder when did it cross from being a part of life to something you schedule way in advance. I'm afraid I won't age too gracefully because I'll be complaining the whole way!

So my countdown is on to about 2 1/2 weeks (or so) and I have to say it's a little freaky to try to anticipate how this is all going to play out. I really wouldn't mind skipping through to the part where I'm looking face to face with the babies and everything is beginning to feel like a distant memory. I guess if Erica is tempted to use her delete button, I'd definately be tempted to use my fast forward one.

In the meantime I'll try to think of some deep philisophical things to say while I still have time to ponder such things.
Rhonda at 1:37 AM


Blogger Yvonne Parks said...

I'm so sorry you have to wait. I do understand....(anneka was 10 days late) However, there's nothing I can say to make it better. It just sucks. I remember fondly those last 2 weeks...waiting....swearing at some guy in church who said "haven't you had that baby yet?" (For God's sake, Man...are you a total retard?? DO NOT say that to a woman!)

Anyways. Perhaps since you are basically a vegitable, perhaps I shall have to come to Altona this week. (sans kids) and give you a foot rub (that really helps the swelling go down...)

Lemmie check with my Mom..and I'll get back to ya.

*waiting with you...*

6:55 PM  
Blogger Deanna Momtchilov said...

i wish i were closer so i could help more! hang in there - i can't wait to get the exciting phone call!

8:17 PM  
Blogger Kristi said...

wow! Rhonda! i didn't know how soon the babies were coming! where are you having them?...of course I'm a little curious!

8:35 PM  
Blogger Erica said...

Wait! Schmait!

I say let's get the ball rolling, I want to see the babies too!!!
Here are some ideas:
Go for a ride down a bumpy road.
Jump up and down. NOT.
Get Deanna to whip you up some magical midwife concoction (they have teas and stuff).
or if you get really desperate...
have sex!!!
ha ha ha

Okay, now you can slap me!!!

9:43 PM  
Blogger Deanna Momtchilov said...

yes, erica, but she DOES want them to be born breathing well on their own! (which means waiting a couple more weeks)

6:55 PM  

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