Mayhem and Motherhood: Uterine update

Monday, February 27, 2006

Uterine update

Hello blog friends. Not too talkative lately but wanted to let you know there is nothing to know.

We are off to Winnipeg tomorrow for another assessment and doctor appointment and then Emma and I will stay for a few days with my folks for a change of scenery. We are "term" and ready to meet these babies with the chubby cheeks.

I must say, I'm not looking forward to the labor part, even though I know what to expect. What I want to know Marsha is did it get easier to face with each subsequent pregnancy or is it always something you wish you didn't have to go through? (Marsha's had 5 kids, I see her as pretty much an expert on the subject!)

Anyway, I'll probably ask Yvonne to post if anything happens as it wont' be on my survival list. I feel like this is goodbye, ? until we meet again on the other side!! Why does it sound this corny?

Pray for strength and courage for me. I am in desperate need of these things.
Rhonda at 11:27 PM


Blogger Erica said...

Good luck Rhonda!
You'll do great!

I can't wait to meet your chubby cheeked cherubs!

8:47 AM  
Blogger Yvonne Parks said...

let's hang out this week!!!!!

11:08 AM  
Blogger Kristi said...

Jesus, give Rhonda strength and courage. Give her peace and endurance.

11:51 AM  
Blogger Marsha said...

Hmm ... does it get easier to face labours? Yes I think it does. But each pregnancy is an adventure. My first was a c-section, my second, was a VBAC - in a way like a first labour because I had no idea what to expect. On my third I went in to be induced but went into labour en route to the hospital. My fourth was very quick - I was at the hospital 37 minutes before he was born. Towards the end of my fifth pregnancy I got symphysis-pubic separation & had to be on full bedrest. I was warned that the labour would be excrutiating & the argument could be made for an early epidural. Unlike my 3 previous labours that had all been quick, Sam took all day, my doctor was ill that day so I was with a doctor I had never seen before and there was NO extra pain. In fact, he didn't crown - without pushing he came out to his ear ... while the doctor and nurse were out of the room! Rhonda I imagine your chances of a c-section are fairly high. I was very disappointed that Katelyn was born by section (she was breech). 14 years later I think "she came out, she was healthy, the attending nurse was lovely and I recovered" My only word of caution if you end up with a section is go easy on yourself ... stay at home ... let others come to you if they want to see those cuties.

I've been checking your blog every day wondering ... wondering. Father give Rhonda and Jon perspective through all of this adventure. Give them peace that You are there with them each minute. I pray this would be an incredible bonding experience for them, a real memory maker time that they look back on fondly. I pray for excellent, supportive staff on shift when they go in - people with a good sense of humour, compassionate, and a nurse that gives massages. I pray also that the labour would not go through the night and if it does that you will help them keep perspective.

2:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi Rhonda!! We'll pray for you...i'm so jazzed you are having twins (i personally can attest that they will have a BLAST!) Ann Yarema says hi (her and Maddy were out 2 days ago! love coleen

4:06 PM  

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